Senin, 02 Mei 2011

PhD Foreign Student Scholarship funded by Kidney Research

The Foreign Student Scholarship goal of this project is to describe the burden of infections in elderly patients with diabetes and CKD, risk factors and consequences of these infections. The project is large amounts of data from the United Kingdom hospital, general medicine and mortality.
Foreign Student Scholarship will be on 1 Begin September 2011and has funding for 3 years. Costs of the UK level will be paid in addition to an annual allowance of £ 15 740th The student is only to residents of the United Kingdom
A master's degree in epidemiology with very good grades
The proof of the excellent quantitative skills
Proven ability to handle very large volumes of data sets with Stata and a meticulous approach
Excellent writing skills
Interest in the epidemiology of infectious diseases in older patients with diabetes mellitus in the United Kingdom.
Foreign Student Scholarship Experience in dealing with the data from the British public about infectious diseases

Deadline for applications: 16 May 2011

Further Scholarship Information and Application

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